Sunday, October 04, 2009

Reducing Infant Mortality Now Available

Reducing Infant Mortality from Debby Takikawa on Vimeo.

Recently, a new collaborative birth film, Reducing Infant Mortality, was freely released for anyone to download. It is in the same wonderful vein as Ricki Lake's masterpiece The Business of Being Born and strives to further educate on the some of the controversial birth practices in the United States. Please view this short film above. The film can be downloaded here.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another Much Needed Exhortation to Women

Regardless of vocation, the essay, "Femininity: Developing a Biblical Perspective," from the book Biblical Womanhood in the Home, is a delightful and, may I say, greatly needed exhortation to women of our time. It is along the lines of the Theology of the Body and the Theology of the Family, and reiterates the complementary design of our female creation. I encourage women of all ages to read it here.

On a side note, I would have added Mass and or Adoration to Biblical study in the Mother's weekly "Morning Away," as they are extremely rejuvenating to my soul.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Help Stop the Abortion Mandate

"On Thursday, July 23, more than 70 pro-life and pro-family organizations united for a massive webcast event to directly address these challenges and mobilize grassroots activists.

An unprecedented 36,187 people of faith and conscience participated in the event, underscoring the urgency of the abortion mandate crisis."

You can finds ways to take action and listen to that highly informative webcast here!

Help Keep Abortion Out of Health Care

Please visit the Americans United for Life website here to take their 4 easy action steps and stand against abortion in our health care system.